Teresa Wu. New Yorker. Product Designer.
Advocate for inclusive design.

I aspire to create inclusive and delightful experiences for customers. Throughout my experience I have worked in health, and education industries. 25 million+ customers use the products I’ve built.

📖Full case studies available upon request.

BrainPOP Movies with Pause Points is a contextualized quiz or discussion embedded within a movie. They promote active viewing and help teachers scaffold movies for various grade levels.


Role: Lead Product Designer

BrainPOP Assessments encourages and uplifts students and teachers to reach their fullest potential with helpful and delightful feedback.


Role: Lead Product Designer

BrainPOP Assignment Builder is a tool that teachers can use to create an assignment with multiple parts, enabling them to mix and match different BrainPOP activities in one assignment and tailor student learning.


Role: Interaction Design

Typing Game Prototype: The Claw is a practice game targeting 3rd grade and up. The game grid directly reflects the layout of a keyboard and the player navigates by typing keys adjacent to the player’s position. The player also uses copy/paste shortcuts to pick up and drop items.


Role: Interaction Design

Type Twister Game Prototype is a puzzle typing practice game targeting 3rd grade and up. A puzzle typing game where you have to arrange your fingers to be simultaneously pressing multiple individual keys.


Role: Visual Design, and Art Direction

TOBI® Podhaler® iOS App is a companion app to help patients keep track with their treatments. The target users of this app are teens and young adults taking TOBI Podhaler.